Produce, store and consume your own
Rainwater Green Hydrogen

with the Rainwater Green Micro-Hydrogenerator (RGMH)

Get decarbonized

If you are what you consume …

Think about the energy sources that power your business. Don’t they share one or more of these characteristics?

With Rainwater Green Hydrogen


Our hydrogen is 100% green because the sun and rain are its sources

Hydrogen constitutes almost 75% of the matter in the Universe … We propose you to extract your own Rainwater Green Hydrogen from rainwater through a process of electrolysis powered by solar energy.

It is a sustainable and renewable energy that you can especially use to charge your vehicles (forklifts, scooter fleets, last mile vehicles, trucks, etc.) and to power your production processes.

DOSSIER | Rainwater Green Hydrogen

LogisGreen is a member of

Produce Rainwater Green Hydrogen with your RGMH

The Rainwater Green Micro-Hydrogenerator: Self-consume, save and receive subsidies

Trust our experts

We are the reference in Rainwater Green Hydrogen

Rafael Rojas and Jose A. Barrada tell you everything about the RGMH or Rainwater Green Micro-Hydrogenerator in their book «The Potential of True Green Hydrogen»

The RGMH is a distributed Rainwater Green Hydrogen production facility that allows you to use rainwater in the electrolysis necessary to generate and use your Rainwater Green Hydrogen in logistics and industrial facilities. It is fully managed by the SWIO LogisGreen tool based on technologies such as Internet of Things and Big Data.

Your book on RAINWATER GREEN H2 (Spanish)
Hidrógeno Verde Pluvial |MHVP

Rafael Rojas

Currently focused on the innovative project LogisGreen for the development and dissemination of solutions for self-consumption of Rainwater Green Hydrogen.

Jose A. Barrada

Focused on supporting industries in sustainability, contributing with his wide and diverse experience in the fields of construction, engineering and architecture.

Come to the future with us

h o l a | 917 45 68 69 | C/ Marie Curie 5, Edificio Alfa | Rivas-Vaciamadrid. Madrid, España.

We are waiting for you in the Pluvial Green Hydrogen group

We tell you everything about sustainability, subsidies, technologies and advice for the logistics and industrial sector in a bimonthly newsletter.